Acquiring one Apartment Community at a time

de' Medici Group
Any investment in a fund sponsored by de' Medici Group may only be made through the fund's definitive private placement memorandum and subscription agreement, which will contain important information related to your interest in any investment opportunity described on this website, including restrictions on transfer and risk factors of which you should be aware prior to making any such investment. Investments and projections and other forward-looking statements contained on this website (which are statements other than those of A fact) are not assurances of future results of your investment through de' Medici Group. You are urged to confer with your legal and tax advisors before making any investment through de' Medici Group.
Prospective investors are not to construe anything on the website as investment, business, legal, and or tax advice and the content contained herein does not constitute an offer by de' Medici Group to sell, solicit or make an offer to buy an investment interest. Direct and indirect purchase of real property involves significant risk and investments may lose value and are not insured by the FDIC or by any other Federal Governmental Agency nor are they guaranteed by de' Medici Group. Investors must be able to afford to lose their entire investment.